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  ARC Advisory Group

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The Challenge and Rewards of Integrating ALM and PLM Information Keywords: Plant Design, Product Design, Plant Asset Information, Equipment, Asset Lifecycle Management, ALM, Product Lifecycle Management, PLM, Single Source Platform, EPC, Equipment OEMs. The discussion around integrating information from asset lifecycle management (ALM) systems and product lifecycle management (PLM) systems has been going on for s . . . Social Sustainability for the Factory of the Future Keywords: Research, Cooperation, 7th Framework Program, European Commission, EU, Factory of the Future, Social Sustainability. Overview Despite delocalization of manufacturing activities from Europe to developing and growth economies, the manufacturing sector employs over 30 million people, is the second largest sector within the European Union’s no . . . Discrete Manufacturer Improves Sales Productivity with IT Services from HCL Keywords: Pentair, Tyco, HCL, IT Services, Microsoft CRM, SAP. Summary Previously, Pentair Valve and Controls EMEA employed a diverse set of applications to manage its sales and customer relationship management business processes, but many considered these business processes to be QUOTbroken.QUOT A major merger made solving this issue even more crit . . . Yokogawa Introduces Advanced Decision Support Concept Keywords: Operational Performance, Human Performance, Market-Based Standards. Summary Operational error is the single biggest reason for unscheduled shutdowns in process plants, causing several millions of dollars in damages and losses per year. Combine this with an aging skilled workforce leaving the work place, with inexperienced people to replace . . . Toshiba Acquires Consert, Leading-Edge Intelligent Solution Provider for Smart Grid Deployments Keywords: Energy Management, Electric Consumption, Energy Reserves, Load Management, Conserve Energy. Toshiba Corporation announced that it has acquired privately-held Consert Inc., an intelligent energy management company that converts electric consumption in homes and small businesses into cost-effective clean sources of capacity and energy reserv . . . BlackBerry Works with Trend Micro to Expand Protection for Customers Against Malware Keywords: Cloud Security, Malware, Privacy Issues, Cloud-Based, Malicious Behavior. BlackBerry announced that it is working with Trend Micro Incorporated, a global leader in cloud security, to expand the protection it already provides to BlackBerry customers against malware and privacy issues related to third-party applications. As part of a multi-l . . . Power-One Enters Into Strategic Alliance with Panasonic to Develop, Produce and Market Energy Storage Systems Keywords: Renewable Energy, Power Conversion, PV Inverters, Utility-Scale, Grid-Connected, Energy Storage. Power-One, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of renewable energy and energy-efficient power conversion and management solutions, and Panasonic Corporation, a worldwide leader in the development and manufacture of electronic products and solut . . . HighJump Software, TrueCommerce EDI Solutions Group Announces Strategic Partnership with ProcessPro Keywords: Supply Chain Management, SCM, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Batch Process Manufacturing Industry, Electronic Data Interchange, EDI. HighJump Software, a global provider of supply chain management software, announced that its TrueCommerce EDI Solutions Group has partnered with ProcessPro Software, a leading provider of enterprise resou . . . HMS Industrial Networks Acquires IXXAT Automation Keywords: Communication Technology, Industrial Automation, Machine Manufacturing, Automotive Industry, Manufacturing. HMS Industrial Networks has acquired IXXAT Automation – a leading supplier of communication technology for industrial automation, machine manufacturing and the automotive industry. IXXAT was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in We . . . Aerotech’s Ensemble LAB Provides for Easy Laboratory Automation Keywords: Industrial, Manufacturing, Tactile Feedback, Manual Positioning, Axis Calibration. Aerotech’s new Ensemble LAB control platform is well suited for automation of laboratory and light industrial manufacturing applications. Ensemble Lab is designed for applications where ease of operation is desired without sacrificing overall system capabili . . . ICONICS Announces Product Updates at AHR Expo 2013 Keywords: Historical Logger, Collector Redundancy, Building Automation, BMS, Building Operations, Energy Meters, Carbon. During the AHR Expo 2013 at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, ICONICS made several product announcements. BACNet-Compliant Workstation Software for Windows 8 ICONICS announced its new version 10.8 of GENESIS64, Mobile . . . ​Progress Report: Maturity Level in Automation, Instrumentation, Operations Management and their Integration The survey on maturity in using Automation and Operations Management has received considerable interest and we thank all participants for their time.  Preliminary results are that Automation, Instrumentation, Plant Information Management and Advanced Process Control (traditional and multi-variable) are QUOTMatureQUOT, that is, more than 50 percent o . . . Manufacturing Trends in Energy Efficiency ARC Advisory Group is undertaking this survey to identify manufacturing trends in energy efficiency.  Many efficiency initiatives are mandated such as IE3 Class energy efficient motors required in many countries; however, IE4 Class motors, while not required, are being considered by manufacturers due to the potential long term cost savings.The domin . . . Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI) Survey ARC Advisory Group is conducting a survey to develop a better understanding of what manufacturers, operators, and executives are doing to recognize the benefits and/or ROI obtained from using Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI) applications.  Included in the survey are questions about embedded historians, data handling methods, real-time ana . . . ​Maturity Level in Automation, Instrumentation, Operations Management and their Integration Keywords: fit for purpose, automation level, automation usage, returns from automation, benchmarking, process industries. OverviewWhat is the right level of automation of an industrial production plant?  What is the right level of usage of the automation in place?We often encounter these questions from our end-user clients in the process industry. . . .Para mais informações, acesse:   ARC STRATEGY FORUMS 17th Annual ARC World Industry Forum USA 2013, Orlando Process Management Academy Europe 2013, Antwerp Achieving Breakthrough Performance Forum India 2013, Hyderabad Achieving Breakthrough Performance Forum China 2013, Beijing   NEW AT ARC ARC STAR Service: Supplier Evaluation and Selection Discrete Industries I/O Module Market Driven by Need for Decentralized Solutions Operator Training Simulators Slated for Above Market Growth New Market and Technology Intelligence   TO SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to ARCwire Contact Us Modify Subscription   FOLLOW US ON-LINE Logistics Viewpoints Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube   For more information, please visit our Website at or contact us. Founded in 1986, ARC Advisory Group is the leading research and advisory firm for industry and infrastructure. For the complex business issues facing organizations today, our analysts have the industry knowledge and first-hand experience to help our clients find the best answers.  

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