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Difficulties In The Application Of The Arrhenius Model

The Arrhenius model is widely used in accelerated aging studies
to predict the durability of the properties of both paper and ink. In
other words, this model intends to simulate the real-time aging. The
Arrhenius model assumes that the rate of chemical reactions (k)
depends exclusively on the temperature at which they occur, being
expected a linear relation between the reaction rate and the inverse
of the absolute temperature (T). This study demonstrates that the
application of this model should not be done indiscriminately, and
that there are several restrictions in some cases. In this study, the
Arrhenius model was used to predict the durability of printing made
with thermal transfer ribbon and on thermal sensitive paper. The
parameter used to monitor the accelerated aging was the optical
density of the printed areas. In the case of the printing made with
thermal transfer ribbon, it was observed, at high temperatures,
the degradation of the material that comes from the ribbon. This
degradation occurs due to side reactions that are not observed
under natural conditions of aging. In the case of printing on thermal
sensitive paper, the Arrhenius model was not applicable as well, due
to the restriction to high temperatures. Two indispensable factors
for performing accelerated aging tests using Arrhenius model were
confirmed in this study: the choice of test temperatures and the
definition of acceptable yield loss for the focused property.

Ferreira, Daniela Colevati; D´Almeida, Maria Luiza Otero

O PAPEL vol. 74, num. 1, pp. 51 – 55 JAN 2013

*Authors’ references:
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo – IPT. Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532, prédio 62. Butantã, São Paulo – SP – Brasil. CEP 05508-901 / Institute of Technological
Research of the State of São Paulo – Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532, prédio 62. Butantã, São Paulo – SP – Brazil. CEP 05508-901
Corresponding author: Maria Luiza Otero d’Almeida – E-mail: [email protected]

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