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Impact Of The Recycling Process On Kraftliner Paper

Caroline S. Araújo1
, Juliana C. Silva1
, Luciana A. C. Alexandre1
, Márcio L. Ferreira¹, Osvaldo Vieira1 1 Klabin S/A. Brazil
O PAPEL vol. 84, N.o 4, pp. 73 – 80 – APR 2023
In order to evaluate the recycling influence in the properties 
of papers composed of eucalyptus short fibers only, such as the 
, compared to papers composed of 100% pine long fibers, 
a characterization of fiber was carried out and handsheets were 
formed in the laboratory for physical and mechanical resistance 
tests. The handsheets were submitted to the recycling process and 
each cycle was refining operation in Bauer refiner. Seven refining 
cycles were evaluated. The brown kraft pulps used in this essay 
were collected directly from the industrial process. Both the 
eucalyptus and pine fibers had reduction in the properties along 
the cycles, which is inherent to the recycling process. The refining 
partially recovered some physical-mechanical properties of the 
paper obtained and the consumption of energy for refining proved 
to be lower for the eucalyptus fiber.
The eucalyptus fiber had less impact in the length reduction 
and remained more preserved in relation to the pine fibers after 
consecutive recycling processes. The research showed that both 
the eucalyptus and pine fibers presented acceptable resistance
along the seven recycling cycles assessed, overcoming the CCB2022(Cepi Container Board) document values for testliner papers. The relevance of this study is due to the increase in the offer of short fiber in the market, the higher sustainability and the lower cost in the eucalyptus production, the cellulose and paper obtained, besides granting higher printing quality and better performance in the conversion of those papers. Key Words: Cellulose, eucalyptus, Eukaliner®, recycling, testliner, quality

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